Saturday, November 8, 2008

Through October and onto...

Well, to say the past month has been busy would be a gross understatement, but I'll say it anyway! Fall has come to Rockhurst! As you can see...

So what have I been doing? Well, I have one grad application happily finished (for the Graduate Theological Union--I visited in October and *loved* it!) and three more in progress. There are another two schools that I'll be applying to, but their deadlines are much I'm worrying less about them right now.

Classes are crazy and fun! Right now I have about 3 big projects creeping up on me...hopefully I'll be able to head them off this week, which is remarkably less busy than the rest of the month. I never thought I'd say this as a senior, but I'm actually looking forward to the semester being over soon! (Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm ready for my last semester to *start,* but I'm getting there.

Registered for classes a week or so ago--my last semester at Rockhurst is going to be exactly what I would want--ALL Theology and English! I'm taking a lighter load so I can be doing prep work for grad-level study--my Theo profs are going to make sure I've read all the major texts before they send me off. Have I mentioned that my profs are amazing? They are.

I'll be spending a lot of this weekend revamping my personal statement for another school--the almighty Notre Dame! It's so encouraging to have one application off my plate that I'm very eager to get another one gone as's just not a terribly fast process, once you get into it :-P

Anyway, it'll all be worth it in the end (I hope!) I get almost all of my admission decisions in March, though, which makes me rather nervous...since I'll have about a month in which to decide the next 2 years of my life, based on any offers I get. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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